If you’re struggling to improve your sleep or you’re having a bad time then you can talk to a doctor or a councillor at your University.
Te Herenga Waka – Mauri Ora |
Student Health and Counselling
University of Waikato – Student Health Service | Hauora Ākonga
Lincoln University – Student Health
University of Auckland – Student Health and Counselling Service
Massey University – Student health centres |
Ngā whare hauora & rongoā
University of Otago – Student Health | Te Ratoka Hauora Ākoka
AUT – Student health and wellbeing
University of Canterbury – Atawhai Ākonga | Student Care
These New Zealand websites offer free, confidential support.
If you’re ready to get help then your first point of call can be your doctor. If you don’t have a doctor then you can find one near to you
Aunty Dee was created to help Pacifika and Māori young people to get help with how they’re feeling
Text or call 1737 any time if feeling down, anxious, a bit overwhelmed or just need to chat to someone
Start the free online Manage Insomnia course designed by clinicians and researchers
Te Whatu Ora provide some information and resources for people struggline with sleep
Learn, express and engage around your hauora (wellbeing), identity, culture and mental health.
depression.org.nz is your guide through the rough seas of life in Aotearoa
Anxiety and insomnia are bed buddies. Find out more about improving your sleep from Anxiety NZ
OutLine provides rainbow mental health support throughout Aotearoa
Support if you’re looking for help to do with sexual harm